Spanish Eye Clinic Internship Programme

Internship Details

Company name

Spanish Eye Clinic

Company website

Location of internship

119, Maclaren building, Sheikh Zayed Rd. Umm al Sheif, Dubai

Short description of the internship role

  • Intern will support in reception work, booking appointments and answering phones
  • Intern will support in updating patient records. 
  • Intern will get the opportunity to see and learn about a wide range of medical equipment. 
  • Intern may at the patient’s discretion be allowed into the dental examination rooms to oversee certain procedures. 
  • Intern will have the opportunity to spend time with and ask doctors & dentists questions and learn from their experiences. 
  • Intern will need to prepare a presentation and will have the opportunity to share recommendations and give feedback.
  • Intern will be required to document their experience for social media by creating short videos on the job. 

Duration of internship

3 weeks (5th December – 23rd December)

Model of internship

  • Week 1 – online learning (5th -9th December)
  • Week 2 & week 3 – In person (12th – 23rd December) 3 days a week for 3 hours a day
  • Presentation building and present back (hybrid)

Deadline for application

28th November, 2022

Age range


Virtual internship

Hybrid (In-person + virtual)

Industry focus




Key skills requirements

Interest in medicine


No financial compensation

Additional information (any important information not covered in the above)

Cost of internship $200. Once interns are selected we will share bank details for payment transfer. 

How to Apply

To apply, please fill out this form
The form requires a Google account