Discounts & Offers


Enjoy additional

Did you know that, as GEMS alumni, you have exclusive access to discounts and scholarships available to you?

Whether you want to continue your studies, travel or simply add some luxury to your life, check out the discounts available to you.

Whatever your circumstances, we firmly believe that financial strains shouldn’t stop you from realising your goals and advancing your career. 

Discounts and

Enjoy exciting offers from Emirates, and so much more available to you through the ISIC card today!

Download the GEMS Alumni app to find out more!

For you

Rochester Institute of Technology of Dubai offers GEMS alumni a 30% scholarship on its master’s programmes

Interested to know more?
Get in touch with GEMS for Life

Connect with us to find out more about how GEMS for Life can help your child's journey to university, to work or through life, or if you are looking to partner with us and connect with our vast network of students and professionals.

Please complete this form to get in touch